Good News!

2020 promises to be a landmark year for Herefordshire Museum Service as Herefordshire Council
has confirmed that no further financial cuts are planned and that they will start to examine options
for positive development in order to deliver cultural and economic benefits. This is the equivalent to the turning of a steamer ship!
Cabinet Member Gemma Davies will outline the new approach at a Cultural Services Summit on 17 April 2020*.
This positive policy shift will receive a significant boost when Herefordshire is offered the
opportunity to purchase the Herefordshire Viking Hoard of Saxon coins and artefacts for the
county. Fundraising is expected to take place in the second half of 2020 and HMSSG will be a key
partner in this effort. The wider project to secure the Hoard will include provision to put the
artefacts on public display as well as a programme of community events. The whole project will
generate significant publicity for the service and support the case for substantial investment in
additional gallery space for the county collections.
Membership Renewal for 2020 due 1 April 2020
The HMSSG membership year runs from April 1 to 31 March so please renew your subscription
now to demonstrate your support for the service.
HMSSG’s priorities for 2020 are:
Lobby for investment in new public display space for the county collections.
Work with Herefordshire Council to secure the Herefordshire Hoard for the county.
Support the Museum Service and collections through raising money.
* presuming this goes ahead, under current circumstances everything is changing daily.
Also, a reminder about the last few days of the Derek Evans Photos exhibition which ends on Friday 21 March.