Benefits of joining Herefordshire Museum Support Group
Members receive special privileges:
- Regular news of public exhibitions and events
- Special events for members only, opportunities to view collections normally out of sight, talks about the collections and more…
If you choose to volunteer, you may be able to pursue your own particular interests.
You will know that your support may help to keep museums open and accessible for everyone.
A membership fee for the year April 1st 2023 to 31st March 2024 is now due.
Individual membership: £10
Two persons at the same address: £15
Organisation, allowing two representatives to attend members’ only events: £15
Children under 16: FREE
There are four different ways to join:
Join online using PayPal
You can join online using the form HERE.
Pay by Direct Bank Transfer
Online banking: Faster Payments Lloyds Bank 309089 32122868
Pay cash or cheque
Download a MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM HERE Print it out, fill it in and send it to us with a cheque (or cash) via the Museum Resources and Learning Centre.
Pay by standing order.
It will be even better for us if you can pay by Standing Order! In addition to sending us your membership form, please download and print this STANDING ORDER FORM and TAKE IT TO YOUR BANK.
Don’t forget to tick the box for us to claim Gift Aid if you are a UK tax payer. Gift Aid increases the value of all charity donations by 25%.